4/13/2005 3:18 PM I noticed that the exploded layouts are all messed up and have been! the core bits are correct and they accurately remove the intentional confusion inherent in models taken from the books of old. People are too gullible if they believe that they can take the geysers every last word for gold, there are some consistent patterns of obfuscation going on you need to guard against in 'old-speak' anyhow, this cube is intended to order the 'planets' by putting them on dice in order of orbit. sun/earth/moon's trinity goes on the '3' position, all the other planets go into the slot of their orbit mercury 1.. explore for yourself how the derived axes of structured-thought pleasurable-expansion self-assertion produce more cohesive and integrated results than those derived from the oppositional modeling inherent in pleasurable-thought structure-expansion self-assertion not only does this look weird when you're using the same words, it models how the twisty mess of mass-manipulation through the manipulation of needs, through problem/solution prescriptions works. its a bad model and you can't reason your self out of the old cube until you use the proper derivation of the axes! just something to ponder.. fixing this page will mean i finish my next-gen publishing engine. fortunately for you ;) .. that is on my task-list
Here is where we map the different signs of the zodiac to the edges of a cube. |
Cube | Faces | Axes | Cutout (big) | Chakras | Body
Here are all the signs in classic order by element along with their rulers, formulas and some keywords
If you think it might be interresting to see what happens when you map these sign on a cube, click on! |